
Raising Your Love Consciousness

Raising Your Love Consciousness

About it
I was inspired to write this tele-seminar after examining my very own experiences with love. Love is the key winning element that will assist us to successfully transition from your life of want and scarcity to some life of abundance and well-being. Many of the "love" experiences I am mentally and spiritually referencing have already been elevating and others have already been very painful and a few have been painfully elevating. But as my understanding of the actual power of love is constantly on the evolve then the benefits I receive be rich and abundant. Like a Business Professional, I recognize that love produces wisdom, respect and promotion. As being a woman, I realize that love is liberating and empowering. Being a daughter, I understand that love is discerning and difficult. As a lover, I offer love as motivation, protection, consolation and support to my man. And as an entrepreneur, I know that love is powerful, insightful and intensely attractive. And as an innovative being I experience love as mercy, authenticity and infinite potential. Love is exactly what builds empires and helps to create giants. But what I realize most of all is that without love, none of us would exist.
I'm not here tonight to keep you motivated, give you a to-do list as well as to help you with your New Year's resolutions. Come about is that your connection to me tonight will assist you to experience an energy that will assist you to spark thought, emotions and actions. Thought, emotions and actions which will unite you with the mighty power of love. Thought, emotions and actions that may encourage you to love another individual. Thought, emotions and actions that can give you courage which help you to discover your authenticity. Thought emotions and actions that may liberate you and attract love, success and abundance to you. That is my goal today.
What is Love


Love 's what will make a mother lift a 2,000 pound car off a baby who has fallen underneath it. Love is what will make a father fight to defend the honor of his family. Love is what fueled Harriet Tubman the most famous conductor with the Underground Railroad. She forced slaves into freedom, sometimes against their will, at gunpoint and navigated dangerous trails some 19 times. Love is the reason Martin Luther King, Jr. marched on Washington and why he endured jail, hate along with the disruption of his family and sacrificed his own young, precious, promising life. Love means that countless fathers all over the world work demeaning jobs and sacrifice their manhood so that you can feed their families. Love might be why people make a few mistakes. It is also why people defy odds. Love 's what soldiers are made of.
After much thought I noticed that many of us are struggling and scratching through life because we're confused about love. And we are failing to access the energy love because and we don't fully understand love. We just understand love to the extent that it must be expressed in a pop song or perhaps in a tabloid. We mistake passion for control and lust. Were stuck trying to fit this revolutionary concept right into a narrow ego based definition bound by expectations who have nothing to do with true love. Once we understand the infinite nature passion we will understand that love is the root of our success. Love does not have any bounds. It cannot be measured by space and time. It sparks revolutions and ends wars. Love will let us to transform the energy of things like money, opportunity and relationships. Love can renew our mind, body and souls. Love will let us to be a conduit for wealth, abundance and wellness. It transforms victims into victorious people who rise above emotions and mirror the pondering the Creator. Love is our link to The Universal Mind.
Our discussion for dinner is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Tonight's tele-seminar is entitled, "How To Win in 2010". Might know about will be discussing today will help us to become winners really and beyond. It's not about systems, affirmations, New Year's resolutions and to-do lists. This really is about a lifestyle focus that can keep you in the bosom of the energy of the most vibratory force in the universe. That mindset simply involves raising your love consciousness. It involves knowing that love, in fact, is life. And being aware of this fact allows your soul to breath, expand and take charge of your life.
The Universe Is Shaking Us Up
Most of you may have realized that times are changing and I'm sure you get the sense that the universe is shaking things up. Some people call it the renewing of the mind, a new world order, per day of judgment, new school or perhaps the changing from the guard. Whatever you refer to it as, we all realize that to get different results we must start to do things differently. We must change our mindset or our state of mind and living so that we are consistent conduits from the Creator. Our mindsets must be fueled by intuition, inspiration as well as an energy that is so new and fresh that it can't help but to produce anything other than innovative ideas, thought leadership and fresh solutions. We have to become conscious of the actual power of love and know that we are simply a channel whereby the life span changing energy passion is being manifested. We will need to come out of the mindset of yesterday or the mindset designed for us by another person. To stay in that mindset ensures that we remain in yesteryear. And when we stay in the past we ignore "now" and lose the possibility impact of our future.
Adopting mindsets that individuals don't understand is very dangerous. Many people have the mindset of destruction, scarcity and hate yet we've got the desires passion, abundance and well-being. When we adopt the mindset of others we should be certain that we desire the results that this mindset will produce. We've got to become conscious, respectful and aware of the law of expected outcomes. It is equally dangerous allowing others to be the architect in our mindset. This is why many of us pray and an answer to a new day but we believe like yesterday. As a result, our prayers don't produce much else except when we are severely threatened with death, destruction of some major life changing event. You have to call the results "miracles" and become if our link to The Creator can be a random, surprise act.
The Transition
We have been transitioning from a world built on differences, competition and cookie cutter lifestyles. In the world of yesterday there was a mindset which was the model of success. That model was built using the existing laws and standards of society. Today, winners don't rely solely on old business and lifestyle models; they use intuition and an knowledge of life in order to assist them in the right direction. We're failing and falling in short supply of our tremendous potential because were missing the big picture. It's time to stop faking success. We've got to begin to live successfully. Probably the most authentic, creative and unique people are successful today. They'll be tomorrow's leaders. They have an understanding of life that is certainly supported by an inner force which has been dormant for generations. In order to know what life is we must first know what love is. Love is our life and people who understand its true meaning will win beyond 2010.
Why Love?
Let's talk about a few general concepts about love and how it ties towards the Creator, Our Success and Human Development. For most of us, the existence of love is a given, but the nature of affection is a mystery. However the word "love" is so commonly on the tongues, hardly anyone knows what love is. The truth is, love is so powerful, I don't know that our finite thinking can truly define this type of infinite concept. Also, since we can't quite wrap our minds around the concept of love, we usually slice it and dice it and chop it so that what we recognize are pieces or slices of affection. We tell people you'll have a piece of my love. Understand that song, "You can have a piece of my love"..... We say that, because that's all we could truly comprehend. So we give people an item of the slice we have. See that's our first mistake.
Instead of trying to control and define love, we have to learn to be a conduit for the love that hails from our Creator. We need to accept the wholeness passion and stop trying to divide and conquer something that is not ours to have, divide or conquer. It's not our job to own or control love. Our job is to be a conduit for love the life force from which we all originated. We simply can't even fully understand what our life is unless we understand what love is. Whenever we don't understand the connection between love and life you have to may believe that life's nothing but sensation and action.
Love is reality and wisdom is its manifestation. Love occurs only in wisdom and wisdom only from love. So love becomes manifest if it is in wisdom. The essence of love is that... what is ours should are part of someone else. Feeling the joy of someone else as joy within ourselves-that is loving. Everything in the created universe is really a vessel for the divine love and wisdom with the Creator.
We are here about this earth to love. Never to only just love our Creator in order to love ourselves but to exhibit our love for His Creation. The word love scares many people because we see love as weakness. We associate pain, disrespect and disappointment with love. Simply because we are loving does not imply we can't defend and protect ourselves. We think that in order to be loving we have to be eternally soft, a fool or a sissy. We mistake passion for lust. We expect love however are afraid to give it. We approach love with a scarcity mindset. For all we have can be a "piece of love" and we think there isnrrrt enough to go around.
Our Misconceptions About Love
Love is not a weak word. Love is power. We associate love with being utilized. And for some reason we're so afraid of used. But doesn't everyone get utilized in one way or another. Haven't you used someone before and left them feeling empty and unfulfilled? You could possibly did it purposely. You may did it because you just was without anything to give. You may desperately needed to be refueled. No matter what, you've been used plus you've got used. So, stop being so afraid and self-righteous. Now, I am not saying that we have to certainly be a door mat or we've to allow someone to dog us to be able to practice love. Another highlight is love in self-preservation. Many people would say that when we want love only then do we must give love. Also to a certain extent that is true. But we experience love even if we don't know what love is. The universe is definitely serving us. But when we truly understand love, we all experience freedom, justice, equality and now we vibrate with the universal space that produced us.
We are so afraid and disenchanted through the limited societal concept of love that we don't even know how to love. Most of us don't even desire to love. We've abandoned love. Well, in case you have given up on the narrow, societal definition of love, then you are probably correct in doing so. But if you fail to embrace the fullness of Universal love that is bestowed on us every second of the day, then you are disappointing your individual soul. We don't love ourselves and a lot of us don't even love our families and mates. We're simply them out of convenience, to acquire what we can get or because our ego has to feel special. We have been cut off from the very strength that gives us life. What if the Creator was so weak that every time we didn't meet our full potential, He stopped loving us? Let's say He got scared each and every time we disappointed Him and made a decision to stop showering us with blessings, mercy and infinate potential? Imagine if He decided that because we are so off course there would be no more air, you can forget sun no more mercy or forgiveness?
The Haters
See it is not difficult for us to be so dedicated to destroying our enemy or even the hate we experience we forget the love we have been graced with everyday. All you could hear us talk about are haters. We make gods from our haters. We talk and sing about haters. We write on Facebook and My Space about haters. Regardless of the haters say we can't can we are motivated to perform. In essence, the haters run our everyday life. Are we really hate-mongers disguised as spiritual people? We pray in response to haters. You worship and perpetuate hate and disrespect? The harder hate and disrespect that is spewed from our television, music, news and our movie screens the higher we think the show or song is. Yes, we worship hate and ignore love.
When is the last time you gave much attention to love, honor and respect? Let us flock to movies that showcase love? We take more time focused on what is broken and very little time on the "is" working. Yet, it really is love that allows us to move on despite our enemies, despite the environment, despite our circumstances and despite odds which can be often stacked against us. Oahu is the power of love that ignites our successes and forces us to have up when we're knocked out or whenever we make a mistake. Love can be so powerful that sometimes we even forget who's exists.
Love contains the highest energetic frequency coming from all emotions. It is the most creative force inside the universe. It is the most tasty and magnetive force we are going to ever experience. It is tough, powerful, fulfilling, sensational, resourceful, strong, liberating, discerning, respectful, understanding, forgiving and triumphant.
As being a Conduit of Love
Now, I realize that many of us are frightened to talk about God or even the Creator. Many do not understand how I can teach leadership and development for entrepreneurs and talk about spirituality in the same breath. Commemorate a lot of people uncomfortable. Well, Cleaning it once a, but I just have no idea of any other way to do it. From the sitting on the floor of my apartment in 2001. I put a question out in the universe. I said, "What is missing from business?" And also the word that popped into my head was "spirituality". I spent the next 6 or 7 years ignoring that question and the word that popped into my head. I even went into business and tried to ignore it. I missed the point many times because I was afraid combine business and spirituality since it had been so taboo during my educational and professional circles. Like most of you, I was pecking around when I should have been soaring. I missed the large Picture.
See, entrepreneurialism is really a spiritual journey. It has always been and it always will probably be. But what I now know is that one of my callings is always to help you to understand how you should use your spirituality in a practical way that will fuel your entrepreneurial endeavors which help you to fulfill your soul's assignment. I'm not talking about religion; I'm talking about your individual connection with the Creator. I'm talking about you learning to occupy that space that just you and the Creator occupy. This is what I believe is the best way. And if you are not comfortable with it then check it out your way. I support and honor whatever matches your needs.
The Creator alone is love Itself while he is life itself. And we're life receivers. Our receptivity develops equal in porportion to our love for the Creator that's demonstrated through our fascination with one another. Yep, sorry to tell you, but the Universe will give you what you put into it. In case you are giving out "pieces" of love you'll get "pieces" back. You think the Creator cares more details on your service to others or simply how much you say you're keen on Him? What has the best return on investment?
Since we are life-receivers, not life (remember fondly the Creator is life we're just mere conduits or receivers), the result is that our conception from the parents is not the conception of life but merely the conception in the first and purest forms that will accept life. I'd rather not go off on a tangent here, what I want to point out is we have the potential is the purest conduits for love and life itself. We've got the ability to access that strength that represents any of the highlights of our Creator. Abundance, well-being, wealth, understanding, etc. Love and life, in my opinion are synonymous.
The Law of Attraction
I really want you to think about this in the law of attraction sense. A lot of people call the Law of Attraction regulations of Love. What the law of attraction says is that thoughts (both conscious and unconscious) may affect our environment. Quantum physics claims that thoughts have an energy which attracts whatever it is the person thinks about the problem of. So, in the event you begin to study love, look for love, experience love, expect love, practice love and imagine love then the energy of the highest vibratory force or the earth will emanate within you. And, in turn, you will get or attract love in the many forms. Your life and environment will reflect everything you practice.

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